유엔 세계재활기구_유엔방송 개국 준비. UNWRO_UNB (United Nations Broadcasting) read…

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유엔 세계재활기구_유엔방송 개국 준비.


UNWRO_UNB (United Nations Broadcasting) ready to Broadcast.



제5원소 인류역사시원 다큐멘터리와 세계재난뉴스


The Fifth Element, "a documentary roots of human history," and the world disaster news.



인간존엄성 중심의 "인류와 사람, 우주와 사람, 자연과 사람"들이 함께 살아가는 "한반도고대문명과 인류고대문명"의 발자취에 대한 휴먼 다큐멘터리 제작.


Human dignity centric "human and human, the universe and human, nature and people" living together "Korean ancient civilization and ancient civilization of mankind," the footsteps of the documentary about the human.




유엔 세계재활기구_유엔방송 개국 준비


UNWRO_UNB (United Nations Broadcasting) ready to Broadcast.




유엔방송은 유엔 세계재활기구(UN WRO_The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization)가 추진하는 유엔 세계재활기구 한국유치. (DMZ_세계평화&세계경제특구 UN WRO CITY 및 세계평화공원_한반도고대문명역사 및 인류고대문명역사 유적지 조성). 그리고 국제해사기구(IMO)의 국제항해선박장거리위치추적(LRIT)센터 총괄본부 한국유치와 관련, 유엔 세계재활기구(UN WRO)의 제5세대 위성 모바일 폰의 중점분야인 5GHz주파수대역(Type: SG-CDMA/SDMA-130dBm-5GHz-18 0001k)에 대한 세계재난 및 세계정책 현황을 전 세계에 권장토록 한다.



The United Nations broadcasting, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UN WRO) promoted by the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization attracting Korea. (DMZ_"World Peace & World Economic Zone UN WRO CITY" and the World Peace Park _ "Korean ancient civilization history and history of the ancient civilization of mankind" historical composition). And The International Maritime Organization (IMO), the "international long distance sailing ship tracking (LRIT) Center" Headquarters related to Korea to attract, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UN WRO) of the fifth generation of the key areas of satellite mobile phones, 5GHz frequency band (Type: SG-CDMA/SDMA-130dBm-5GHz-18 0001k) for a world disaster and the world policy status the world is ever recommended.







July 30, 2013.


World Rehabilitation Organization (WRO)

Mr. Jung Sun Kim

Chairman of the WRO




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